Rules & Regulations
Princess Park Campground is a privately operated, Provincial Park. Please use, respect and obey the rules for everyone’s enjoyment and safety.
All persons entering the Park/ campground must register and pay entrance fee. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday - Thursday and 9 a.m . to 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
Grand Lake Park-NB staff will lock the gate at the entrance to the campground as a method of controlling access to the campground during the quiet time periods. If an emergency arises and you have to get through the gate, contact the emergency number at the gate, 506-385-2373 or 506-440-3366.
Camping is permitted in designated areas only. Absolutely no camping of any kind on the beach is permitted.
Any day-use visitors/campers who wish to remain in a site for a night or an additional night, must register or re-register at the office, with full payment before the office closes. Check-out remains at 11 a.m.
Please keep all personal property on your campsite. Grand Lake Park-NB is not responsible for loss or damage to your personal property.
Grand Lake Park-NB is not responsible for power surges.
Garbage bins and dumpsters are provided; please do not litter. Only campground domestic garbage is permitted in bins; ABSOLUTELY NO BUILDING MATERIALS, WOOD, FURNITURE, LAWN FURNITURE, etc. ANYONE CAUGHT BRINGING GARBAGE FROM HOME WILL BE EVICTED FROM CAMPGROUND WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE.
Only registered campers are allowed in the campsite after 10:00 p.m. weeknights and 11:00 p.m. on weekends.
Excessive noise is not permitted. Please remember that sound travels further in open air, especially music and loud talking. Quiet times will be strictly enforced. In consideration of other campers, loud generators, music, loud television or radio, loud voices, idling vehicles and barking dogs are not allowed during “Quiet Time”
Alcohol/Liquor consumption is not permitted anywhere in the park with the exception of your campsite. Alcohol is not allowed in any public areas, including the beaches and boat launch. Please keep your alcoholic drinks out of plain site.
Barbecues must be used on the ground unless barbecue attachments are provided on picnic tables.
Firearms: For your safety, firearms are prohibited.
All campers must obtain a camping permit which must be displayed on your vehicle at all times..
Check in time is 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., but campers must register and occupy their campsite by 9:00 p.m. on the first night of their reservation or the campsite will be subject to re-rental and fees may be forfeited.
Check-out time is 11 a.m. Campers must vacate their campsite no later than 11:00 a.m. on the final day.
Campers must be at least 18 years old to get a permit. Permit holders must have identification and proof of age, and furnish the full names of everyone in the camping party.
The permit holder is responsible for the conduct of everyone under 18 years old and is liable for any violations of the rules and regulations.
All campers under 18 years old must be accompanied and supervised by the permit holder.
All campers will occupy and place equipment only on the assigned campsite.
Any tent or other camping equipment left unoccupied for more than 48 hours may be taken down and removed.
The use of generators may be limited to no more than 5 hours per day and fall between the hours of 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Violators of this policy may be evicted.
CAMPERS ARE ASKED TO TURN OFF AIR CONDITIONERS IF CAMPER WILL BE UNOCCUPIED (by human campers) FOR SEVERAL HOURS. Pets are not to be left unattended either in your RV or on your site while you are away, Power is our biggest expense - please be respectful of that..
Day Use
Anyone who is not camping is a day-user.
Day-use hours are from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday and 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday
Day-users are not allowed between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m
By transporting firewood, you could be spreading diseases and invasive insects that can quickly kill large numbers of trees. Help STOP THE SPREAD and obey this directive.
Firewood is available for purchase through the campground office.
All fires must be built in the fire pits provided for that purpose.
No fires are permitted except for cooking, warmth or smudge.
No fire shall be started until all nearby flammable material has been removed to prevent its spread.
Firewood cannot be gathered on site or Park grounds.
Firewood is available for purchase at Main Gate house until closing.
Leaving your campfire unattended is a serious offence. Fires cannot be left unattended.
Please don't gather firewood from the area around your campsite or elsewhere in the park. Dead wood is an important habitat element for many plants and animals; it adds organic matter to the soil.
You can conserve firewood and help improve air quality by keeping your campfire small. Limited burning hours or campfire bans may be imposed; the Park has a communal fire ring as well. People may gather at the communal fire ring after quiet time, if they wish to continue socializing. Be aware however, that noise must still be kept to a minimum in respect to campers who may be sleeping nearby.
Campers, be prepared to bring a portable stove for cooking, or charcoal briquettes in a hibachi may also be used.
Intro to Campfire Safety
The fire element brings so much life to camping. It provides warmth, and is a great tool for cooking dinner at night, and making coffee in the morning. However, campfires can present some risks that visitors should recognize. Here are some ins and outs about campfire safety http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/campfire-safety.html . Life is good, so get out there and adventure, but do it safely.
General Behavior
Quiet must be observed between 10 p.m Sunday - Thursday or 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 7 a.m. each morning.
There is parking space on your site for one vehicle. Additional vehicles and guests are to park in the parking lot across from the canteen and boat launch. They can telephone your site and you can pick them up and take them to your site. ABSOLUTELY NO PARKING IS ALLOWED ON LAWNS, EMPTY CAMPSITES, ACTIVITY AREAS. As the campground continues to grow, lanes are becoming to congested and hinders traffic and emergency vehicles.
Gambling is prohibited.
No fences are permitted to be erected on any site. Electrical, water and sewer infrastructure is all underground construction and no digging is permitted on your sites for that reason.
Alcohol consumption is permitted only at your individual campsite. No one is permitted to walk around the campground with alcohol.
The use, possession of and/or sale of illegal drugs/substances is not permitted within the Park boundaries. Violators will be evicted immediately.
No person shall deface or remove department signs, structures, or barriers.
No person shall remove or injure any plants, trees, flowers, or rocks found on Park land.
No person shall deposit garbage or refuse on Park land or structures.
No person shall possess fireworks.
No person shall post signs or notices on Park land.
No person shall intentionally expose themselves in a lewd manner.
No person shall obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
No person shall engage in fighting or violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior; or engage in any other activity which violates the Penal Law.
No person shall play athletic games other activities of a rough or boisterous nature except in designated game/play areas.
No person shall possess firearms.
No person shall discharge firearms.
Swimming and Beaches
Swimming is entirely at your own risk.
Safety of children is entirely the parent’s/guardians’ responsibility.
There are no lifeguards on duty.
Children under 18 at the beach must be supervised by an adult at all times.
Changing into or out of bathing suits or clothing is prohibited except in fully enclosed tents, trailers, or in bathhouses.
No topless or nude bathing permitted. Full bottom swimsuits are required; no thong,
g-string bathing suits permitted please.
Possession of alcoholic beverages or glass containers at the beach is prohibited.
Please pick up after yourself and don't leave litter or other property on the beach.
The term “pet(s)” applies to friendly, domesticated cats and dogs only. No exotic animals, rodents, amphibians or reptiles are permitted in the campground and owners/visitors who violate this rule will be evicted immediately.
Proof of a valid rabies inoculation must be provided before any dog is allowed in a campground.
Rabies certificate, or tag dated for current year is acceptable forms of proof.
Dogs (except for service dogs) and other pets are not permitted at the beach (except in designated pet beach area to the left of the boat launch), in picnic areas when being used by Park patrons, or in any Park building(s).
Pets must be confined or leashed to restrict them to the campsite of the owner. No fences are allowed to be erected to confine pets. Pet owners are allowed to construct a maximum 3 foot high railing around their deck to confine their pet.
Dogs cannot be left unattended. Barking or vicious dogs must be removed from the campground.
Dogs may be walked on a leash, by an adult - no longer than 6 feet, provided they are under control at all times.
Dog owners must properly dispose of the animals excrement. Fines/eviction will be imposed to campers who do not pick up after their pets. Day use visitors who do not clean up after their pet will be evicted immediately.
An initial fine of $200 will be imposed on any seasonal camper/pet owner who does not clean up after their animal; subsequent violation will result in the camper being required to remove their animal from the campground.
To assure our Park remains clean and pleasant for everyone, campers are asked to take a photo of anyone not cleaning up after their pet, and bring it to the office.
Motor Vehicles and Boats
Vehicles and Roadways
Parking is permitted only in designated areas and on the gravel portion of campsites.
Campsites are restricted to one vehicle maximum, per site; no vehicle larger than a ½ ton truck is permitted at your campsite lot.
Parking is not permitted on roadsides.
You will be fined $50 per violation for additional, unauthorized vehicles at your lot...Continued violations will be subject to eviction.
Vehicles which overhang your lot or which impact the street/road will be towed at the owners’ expense.
Visitor vehicles, additional and/or larger vehicles must be parked in Visitor parking near the Canteen.
Bicycles may only be ridden on park roads and on designated trails.
Vehicles used in the Park, must be licensed and operated by licensed drivers.
ATV use in the Park is restricted to staff use only; no other ATV’s will be allowed in the Park.
Golf cart operators must possess a valid NB Driver’s License. Owners of electric golf carts will be charged an additional $150 plus tax per season for electricity.
No person shall operate a motor vehicle in the Park at a speed in excess of 10 km/hour.
No person shall fail to comply with any traffic control sign or device.
No person shall park or stand a motor vehicle on any campground roadway.
Boats and other water craft are allowed in the boat launch area;
Boats are not allowed to be hauled up on the beach in front of your campsites, or in the beach swimming areas. The beach is to be kept clear at all times for the enjoyment of all our campground users.
Boats are not allowed in the beach swimming areas.
Boats/watercraft are to be parked in designated parking area for boats only, in the grassy lot adjacent to the boat launch.
Boats/watercraft are not allowed to be parked at your campsite.
Boats/ watercraft are allowed in the Park entirely at the risk of the owner.
The Park assumes no liability whatsoever for damages to or accidents resulting from boats/watercraft use or presence in the Park.
Back-country Camping Ethics
New Brunswick’s wilderness areas are a popular destination for both NB residents and visitors. However, over-use and improper travelling and camping practices in the back-country have led to damage to the natural environment and unfulfilled wilderness recreation experiences.
To retain the high quality of our wilderness experiences, we all must accept responsibility for minimizing our impact.
Damage to, collection or removal of any natural resources is prohibited.
Motor vehicles, including motorcycles, golf carts and similar vehicles, are restricted to the vehicle roads and parking lots. ATV’s are not permitted and are restricted to the use of Park staff only.
Leave No Trace
Everyone who uses the wilderness must strive for "Leave No Trace" camping. This is essential for back-country camping. For further information you can read “Parks "Leave No Trace" information section at http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/campingEthics.html.
When camp is broken, there should be absolutely no sign of human use.
Keep the Lake Clean
The same adage holds true for travelling on water as it does on land – pack out what you pack in. The sight of other people’s garbage does not make for an enjoyable outing, and garbage can injure or kill aquatic animals. If you are travelling by boat then packing out your garbage should pose few problems. You will probably have some extra room, so if you see refuse left by someone else, pick that up too! Never bury your garbage, and never throw it into the water! A little pre-trip preparation will enable you to limit the amount of garbage you will have to carry. Leftover cooking water and dish washing water shouldn’t be scattered around the campsite because it attracts animals and insects, and can produce a lingering putrid smell. Bathing should be done at least 30 metres from the water, ideally in an area with organic soil. Use a biodegradable soap.
Be Aware of People Places and Things
NB’s coastline and waterways were historically pathways and gathering places for native peoples. What is a good landing site today has probably been used for thousands of years. Treat these places as culturally sensitive and potential archaeological sites. Do not damage these sites or remove artifacts.
Respect the rights of other water users and nature enthusiasts.
No person under 19 years of age shall possess alcoholic beverages.
Persons age 19 or over who possess or consume alcoholic beverages must produce adequate identification and proof of age upon request.
Commercial Activity
No person shall sell any articles, commodities, or services without a vendor’s permit to be issued by the Park. Applications are available at the Park office.
The sale of all alcoholic beverages is prohibited except by concessionaires.
Instructions from Park Employees
No person shall fail to comply with a lawful instruction of a Park employee.
No person shall fail to comply with the instructions contained on a Park sign.
No person shall attempt to prevent employees from performing their duties by means of intimidation, physical force, or interference.
Violation of any campground rule is grounds for eviction. Anyone who is evicted is not entitled to a refund.
Anyone evicted from the campground may apply in writing or via email, to return after one week. There is no guarantee that an evicted person will be allowed to return to the Park/campground at all.
No refunds will be given to any person evicted from the campground/Park
Guidance Documents
These documents represent Grand Lake Park-NB policy pertaining to day-to-day administration and management of this private campground and day-use facilities to ensure the enjoyment and safety of our visitors.